Meet Amy BAder

the doctor who wants to hear your story 

I am a different kind of doctor. Actually, I don’t consider myself to be all that “doctory” at all. Even after years of pre-med courses and four grueling years of naturopathic medical school and a residency in family medicine, I have found that ultimately LISTENING to a patient is still the core of delivering great healthcare. You can know all the science in the world (trust me, I know a lot of it), but the real magic is in connecting with patients to solve their problems and turn their health around. Every patient comes to me with a unique story: passions, stressors, symptoms, challenges. I won’t lie… I am nosey. I ask lots of questions. I want to understand as much as I can so I can help my patient feel heard, transform and be well.

I grew up in a town called Lodi in Northern California. My father was a beloved dentist. He LOVED what he did, and his patients loved him. He taught me the value of working for fulfillment, not just to make a living. He died suddenly when I was 25, and I still miss him every day. My mother suffered from health problems, including leukemia, from the time I was very young. Because conventional medicine did not have much to offer at the time of her diagnosis, my family began a quest of pursuing other means (natural and holistic care) in order to help her. Her leukemia has been in remission for many, many years. The journey through the maze of healthcare and introduction (and success) of natural medicines through holistic doctors opened my eyes to the many ways one might approach a health problem. It made me open-minded to say the least.


Years ago, a colleague/friend “took my case” from a homeopathic perspective. That means she asked me questions for three long hours and prescribed a remedy. I took the homeopathic pellets she gave me that day, and over the next few months experienced great shifts not only in my physical health, but also in my sense of wellbeing. I began changing things in my life that were not working for me or serving me any longer. What was that remedy? It was Apis mellifica, otherwise known as homeopathic bumble bee. The rest is history. Bzzzzz….. 

A few things to know about me…

  • Graduate of the University of California at Berkeley. 

  • Graduate of National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon.

  • Residency through NUNM with a family medicine focus. 

  • Assistant Professor and Attending Physician at NUNM. 

  • Founding co-director of NUNM’s Integrative Skin Care Clinic. 

  • Private practice the Portland/Vancouver, WA area.

  • Interviewed for radio, magazines, and newspapers as an expert in natural medicine. 

  • Columnist for The Natural Path, an online health and medicine resource. 

  • Advisor for Parable, the maker of Daily™Braincare supplement.

  • Speaker and teacher lecturing to doctors and medical school students on many topics in natural medicine including Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Homeopathy, Skin Health and the Microbiome.

  • Co-founder of Real Beauty Food, LLC, a company dedicated to creating nourishing drinks to boost your skincare. Real Beauty Food, LLC is the maker of SkinTē

  • Passionate about helping people who are challenged with chronic disease using all the tools of naturopathic medicine… I want to help my patients feel good in their skin in every way. 


Meet the beekeeper


Since homeopathic bumble bee was so helpful to me (and, I am a little bit of a busy bee) I jokingly began referring to my office manager, Lisa, as “the beekeeper”. I tease her that if I get behind on my schedule she can smoke me back into my hive, errr… I mean office, and put me back to work. She’s organized, honest, hardworking, ridiculously funny, and has been a huge asset to my patients and my practice. 

Meet Mini Bee

Dr. Renee hubka

Aside from being my twin and soul sister of sorts, Dr. Renee Hubka is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. I met Renee when she was one of my students at the naturopathic medical school. I was incredibly impressed by her academic knowledge, keen instincts, magical intuition, and ability to connect with her patients. I have asked Renee to join my practice so I can have a smarty-pants-back-up-doctor around on the rare occasions when I am unavailable. I may also suggest you see her for acupuncture. Simply put, she’s awesome.